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Aiming to dissolve the stereotype concerning Little India and the Indian community, The Brickhouse provides a place where people can learn and understand the community more, both through tangible and intangible heritage. From growing simple spices that are closely tied to Indian cooking recipes, to teaching the public how to bamboo-weave Indian crafts. With many seating areas and open spaces to move around, The Brickhouse also helps to fix another problem the lack of seating. With many spaces to rest and relax, the Brickhouse becomes a place of rest for anyone that comes to visit Little India.


Damienn Foo

I am Damienn, and I recently graduated with a diploma specializing in Architecture and hope to be able to design spaces and buildings that are like no other, making practical forms and design, but also unique at the same time. I enjoy working on crafts and products in my free time, also striving to improve myself whenever possible, by learning new software and improving on the old ones.

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