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02 Towards Gallery.png

manorajan centre

The Manorajan Centre is a sanctuary for Indian migrant workers where they can meet, learn, play etc. This multipurpose recreational centre aims to provide Indian migrant workers with a space that helps them feel warm and welcomed.

The building intent is to use steel skeletal structure that is exposed on the outside while containing a biophilic communal area of various culture and activities

The open grid structure allows for having various forms of circulation around the space while providing a transparency that not only divides but also brings people and nature together


David Nyan Wai Phyo

Hi, I am David, a student in Ngee Ann Polytechnic's Diploma in Sustainable Urban Design and Engineering, specializing in Architecture. From the start of my journey till now, I have worked on projects with pleasing and aesthetic designs. My knowledge in the usage of 3D and rendering softwares also allow me to design with ease.

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