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02 Towards Gallery.png

The Cube

The cube as its name suggest takes the form of a cube was designed to create a place where migrant workers, locals and foreigners can interact and bond with one another with different activities and facilities. The facade features an expanding and contracting grid. Vertically, the grid contracts where structural support is required and expands where light and views are required. The modulation of the horizontal grids draws the eye across the facade and towards the sky, giving a clean and absolute form and a sense of playful rhythm.


Lim Chin Hong

Hello, my name’s Chin and I have developed a strong passion towards architectural design leaning towards the art and science of enhancing the interior of a building rather than exterior to achieve a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing environment for the people using the space. My interest in fine art allowed me to be more appreciative and creative towards design throughout my years in polytechnic.

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