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Tan Kok Khin


HOOP is an unique upcycled coffee table designed to encourage family bonding.


It especially helpful for families struggling to communicate and spend quality time together.


The table's key feature is a hole that allows users to play ball-throwing games using any unwanted paper, inspired by mini-games in basketball like Bullet, ABC, and HORSE. Losers of these games must accept the agreed-upon punishment, adding an element of fun and competition to family time.


Tan Kok Khin

Hi there! My name is Kok Khin, and I am a product designer with a passion for fitness. When I'm not busy designing innovative products, you can usually find me hitting the gym and staying active. I believe that a healthy body and mind are essential for success in all areas of life, and I'm committed to maintaining a balanced lifestyle. With my creative mindset and dedication to wellness, I'm always looking for new ways to challenge myself and push my boundaries.

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