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Mine App

Loh Le En


At its core, ‘Mine’ is aimed to help buyers discover their uniqueness through meaningful, handcrafted goods. ‘Mine’ wants to help buyers find what helps them feel most comfortable, bold and confident.


Mass manufacturing companies create a lot of waste and their products can often be uninteresting. Underrated creators and their handcrafted goods are often undervalued. Online shopping lacks the social aspect of in-person shopping.


By integrating the dopamine rush from social media with the satisfaction of retail therapy, a shopping experience is created that is both enjoyable and efficient. Whether the product is discovered through browsing or a recommendation in a group chat, the process is streamlined from start to finish.


Loh Le En

I'm on my journey of pursuing my childhood dream career - becoming a creator. Driven by the limitless possibilities there are to improve and create new human-centred experiences, I love exploring the multifarious design disciplines out there and always strive to create efficient, intuitive, and beautiful solutions.

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