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Nono Sleeve

Elaine Pua Yi Jie


Created with the usage of leftover leather that are to be thrown away, Nono sleeve is made of specifically cow leather that are combination tanned leather.


Usually when different parts of the leather are cut out in panel sizes for usage, there would be leftovers coming from the sides and some that may be too small for any pieces would be thrown away. Over time these leftover pieces accumulate to a huge pile which is still considered wasted resources.


Using leftover scraps and materials and piecing them together using marquetry, Nono sleeve can be easily customised in terms of designs, patchwork and colour variation given that there would be limited variety which can easily make every single piece unique and one of a kind.


Elaine Pua Yi Jie

Hello there! I am often drawn to things and sections that involve handmade efforts such as patchwork. I enjoy experiencing and seeing how design changes life with just a slight difference and it has made me eager and hungry for the endless enhancements and value that curated designs can make one’s work so meaningful.

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