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Ervin Yong En Hong


Orion will be the first responder to any fire disasters.It equipped with state-of-the-art technologies ranging from ultra-

sonic waves to echolocation capabilities. 


It only takes 3 1⁄2 minutes for house fires to reach over 600°C. 80% of all civilian deaths from fire occur at home, and thick smoke can render a home completely dark in 4 minutes.


Orion’s mission is to reduce the intensity and spread of fires to allow just enough time for trapped victims to escape. It is equipped with a centrally mounted fire suppression ball launcher, fueled by a CO2 canister that has a capacity of 800ml and weighs 700g.


Ervin Yong En Hong

Hello! I am passionate about transportation design
as I have a strong interest and passion in cars and
military vehicles. l enjoy studying the designs of
past and present vehicles, to better understand
and learn thier various functions and thier design
language. I am always open to learn new ideas
and concepts and I hope to be able to design a
car that would one day put Singapore on the
autmotive map, or even Singapore’s first home
build air defence fighter.

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