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Leong Yu Qing


Trackerio is a smart tray which has a RFID reader and an app to make sure accuracy of the food which is being tracked.


People purchase items they have previously forgotten about, leading to unnecessary purchases, and certain perishable food items have a short shelf life, resulting in wastage if not consumed before the expiration date.


Using the RFID reader, the tray will synchronize with the app's inventory list via WIFI, which allows users to monitor their purchased food items including a countdown to their expiration dates. Users can also tag non-RFID products with an expiration date that can be linked to the app.


Leong Yu Qing

I think creativity stands out as the primary attribute for any designer. Sometimes, I like to see things from different points of view to look for possibilities. I'm always willing to learn and thus will put in my very best in everything I do! During my free time, I will draw to express my feelings and thoughts. I found that it is a great way to calm myself down.

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