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Majda Amanina binte Nailul Hafiz


UNA is an AI system that remotely assists working adults with parenting, monitoring their elderly parents, serving as a point of interaction for grandchildren and grandparents, and providing a help center for children and the elderly.


In 2021, with over 60% of families relying on dual incomes due to increasing living costs, parents miss out on quality time with their children and own parents, resulting in more time spent at home with gadgets and activities.


UNA will connect to the central but often unused TV through an app, allowing adults to schedule mind development activities, homework reminders, and chore assignments with Bluetooth proof.


Majda Amanina binte Nailul Hafiz

Design is my way of communication and expression to help create a fulfilling experience and leave a deep impression for everyone. Being observant, thinking and determined, I am able to bring forward different ideas as a team or as an individual. Through the 3 years of design, it gave me a clear understanding of my interests: UX/UI & Graphic Designing where there are endless ways of solutions and innovations, using design frameworks & methodologies. The 3 years opened up opportunities for myself to venture into business, start-ups and technology as well. With this, I hope to continue to enhance my experience and knowledge in them tied with design to give impactful contributions to the growing world. To build a better world and a better me.

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