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by Andre Loh


Vortex is a personal hearing protective equipment designed for users in the heavy industries. It protects our hearing from noise pollution without hindering communication effectively and comfortably.


Wearing of hearing protection blocked off sounds and made it difficult to communicate with other workers or hear what was going on around in their work environment, endangering their safety. The need to communicate creates frustration in constantly removing their hearing protection devices. In addition to being a problem to wear with other safety equipment, users experienced a degree of discomfort wearing them given the hot and humid conditions of most manufacturing workshops.


External sounds are forced to enter through open microphone grills, to be filtered by a band pass filtering chip, electronically passing only voice frequencies, allowing clear communication. The headband uses soft TPU material to increase versatility and comfort when worn. It is flexible, allowing users to adjust so it would not interfere with other safety equipment and improves heat dissipation by creating more area for airflow.

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Andre Loh

I enjoy doodling and making things since young, which inspires me to pursue a creative career.

I have an avid interest in designing consumer electronics, ideas revolving technology solutions to enhance our living.

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