Tenkai 展開
by Andrea Tan En Xi
The course integrates three important disciplines of product design – Arts, Engineering and Business. You will get to explore design processes at every stage, from idea conceptualisation to realisation, and graduate with quality design folios, including working prototypes. With our studio-based learning approach, you will work in modern design studios and develop prototypes using state-of-the-art model making equipment and facilities.
by Joy Lim
It is a compact, collapsible lunch box that helps you to save space, making it convenient to bring around for young working adults when going out to takeaway food.
It was created to reduce the use of disposable food packaging as too much waste will result in many negative impacts on the earth, human health, animals and marine life. It was also designed as flat as possible to encourage people to bring their own lunch box and save the environment.
With the use of Polypropylene (PP) which is recyclable, flexible, tough and with a high melting point, making it a suitable material for a lunch box.
Lim Hui Ru Joy
I am JOYful, friendly and caring. I enJOY rock climbing and nature and my greatest strength is my physical strength
Website: http://joyylim.wixsite.com/portfolio
Email: Joylim00@gmail.com