Tenkai 展開
by Andrea Tan En Xi
The course integrates three important disciplines of product design – Arts, Engineering and Business. You will get to explore design processes at every stage, from idea conceptualisation to realisation, and graduate with quality design folios, including working prototypes. With our studio-based learning approach, you will work in modern design studios and develop prototypes using state-of-the-art model making equipment and facilities.
Natural Therauputic Hub
The main purpose of the Life Experience Hub is to bring awareness of mental health and spread hope and comfort simultaneously through architectural planning by creating hopeful healing spaces theough nature and having a link and connection for these spaces with the users while also hacing the atmosphere of marriage. My plus programme is a therapeutic and learning centre which aims to engage in therapy through nature and workshop and the overall flow of layout is to connect all the green spaces and to use these connections to enhance the experience and create hopeful and healing green spaces.
Lam Zhen Yuan
Hi I am Zhen Yuan. As an architecture student, I have a strong passion for design.
Website: https://issuu.com/lamzhenyuan/
Email: zhenyuan12345@gmail.com
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lam-zhen-yuan-3b6028146