Tenkai 展開
by Andrea Tan En Xi
The course integrates three important disciplines of product design – Arts, Engineering and Business. You will get to explore design processes at every stage, from idea conceptualisation to realisation, and graduate with quality design folios, including working prototypes. With our studio-based learning approach, you will work in modern design studios and develop prototypes using state-of-the-art model making equipment and facilities.
New and Old
Old and new is a life experience hub located beside the Rom (Registry of Marriage) building. My plus programmes are mentoring pods and book clubs, which the more experienced share their knowledge with the young. The sweeping canopy symbolizes the merging of old and new, which is typified by how the new comes out from the old building with the curved roof following the pitched roof, and tells the story of how the new building achieves greater heights and comes out from the old. The big idea for this project is the constant connection between the old and the new.
Lee Shin Loon
Hello there, I am Daniel Lee! I am an architecture student with strong interest in designing spaces that are able to amaze and enlighten people. I strongly believe great design should cater for the needs, culture, biodiversity as well as the well-being of people on-site, as architecture is about how life is being celebrated within the structure itself.
Website: https://issuu.com/daniellee76
Email: leeshinloon@gmail.com
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lee-shin-loon-a779a1145/