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NOEL Ecosystem

by Leon Pereira


The NOEL ecosystem is a way of using technology to mitigate and reduce food waste in our daily lives.


By tracking and showing you real-time information on the food and items in your fridge, you are able to properly decide what you need to buy


Food waste is a dumb problem, but still 1/3 of all food produce every year is thrown away.

Groceries turn bad when neglected, and we do not have proper ways to track them all. 


This concept requires 3 conditions in order to work, mainly you would need a smart fridge, an accompanying app and items with a tracking system.

I devised a way of using RFID stickers in place of barcodes around groceries, and embedded in each sticker is the expiry date and item name. The fridge has an in built RFID reader that can read the item, telling your app what information it has.

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Leon Pereira

Hi, I am Leon Pereira and i'd like to think i am a designer? There are many ideas that can solve problems around the world, but not many of them are heard or acted upon because they are considered wacky or unconventional. 

But i like those ideas. 

Check out more of the unconventional in my website.

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