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The Akasha

In Sanskrit, Akasha refers to a plane of existence where the world's information is recorded and where all elements originate. The Akasha is an ayurveda wellness centre that brings the community together to learn and practice holistic healthcare. In Ayurveda, there exists three elements: vatta (air), kapha (earth + water) and pitta (fire). In order to practice it properly, one must be able to be immersed in each element and also transition between them. Hence the guiding question for this concept is: How might we create seamless transitions between different elements using intersecting planes and structures that create glimpses to invite and initiate exploration?


Muhammad Zikri Bin Hajhari

I am Zikri Hajhari, an architecture student from Singapore. As a former artist, I believe in the influence that visual imagery and constructed space can have on the way people experience life. Architecture, much like art, is a language that can be used to create an expression or statement through those experiences. Although my first language is English, architecture feels native to me. With it, I hope to design spaces that can bring harmony and joy into the world.

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