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Kit Hong Shean


Challore is an exploration app that envisions to spark interest in youths to stay physically active, by encouraging youths’ participation in simple, yet interesting activities through group and friends’ motivation.


Singapore is facing a continuous rise in diabetes and obesity, especially in the younger generations during the Covid-19, due to lack of exercise and rise in sedentary lifestyle.


The app provides Singapore youths opportunities to make new friends, join events and participate in live exploration challenges together. Upon achieving the daily steps’ goals, attractive incentives would be rewarded.


Kit Hong Shean

Hi, I'm Hong Shean. Being a keen learner that believes design brings joy to everyone and is filled with many possibilities, I aspire to bring smiles and improve our quality of life through my designs, while curiously exploring the huge design world. During my recreational time, I also enjoy learning new handicraft skills, musical instruments, and techniques too.

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