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Tan En Hua


Daikei is a flat pack table organizer that is versatile to use. It is easily assembled and has versatile storage which can be used to store different items.


The purpose of this product is to provide users the option of placing all their table top items in one area while keeping the storage organized.


Daikei itself is a combination of holders – stationery holders, book end holders, you name it. By combining these elements, Daikei effectively stores different items in a neat and organized fashion.


Tan En Hua

I am a strong believer in minimalist design. To me, it is removing the unnecessities to achieve the perfect design. A simple product, to me, always beats a complex product. Every. Single. Time.

Majority of my works are based on keeping things simple as can be, aesthetically and functionally. Going simple is the end goal after all.

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