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Shania Soh Xuan


KiTT is a smart kitchen inventory app that keeps track of your food items using RFID technology. With your food items integrated with technology, KiTT aims to battle food wastage.


Food wastage is a common problem, caused by over-stocking, not keeping up with expiry dates, and disorganization.


KiTT uses the RFID technology in phones to detect the food items to keep track of the kitchen inventory. It can also be manually recorded if no RFID tags are detected.


Shania Soh Xuan

Hi there, Shania here! Ever since I was young, I always wanted to help others to the best of my abilities. Today, I hope to be able to make a difference through design. As the quote goes ‘Change is always constant’, I believe that design is always evolving and I strive to leave a memorable and lasting impact on my users.

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