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Recycling n General bin

Ng Hui Juan


Pullo Bin is a redesigned general bin and recycling bin. They are designed to ease the workload of the cleaners in Ngee Ann Polytechnic who are mostly elderly.


General bins are often filled with unfinished drinks, causing the trash bags to be very heavy. This tears the trash bag which then causes more work for our elderly cleaners.


The design of Pullo bins reminds students to pour away any liquid and tie up their trash and allows cleaners to replace the trash bag easily without tearing.


Ng Hui Juan

Hello, My name is Hui Juan! I love simple, efficient and cute designs. I aspire to be a designer to make the world a more beautiful and comfortable place.
My hobbies are cycling, doodling, gaming and watching videos. You can find me cycling along the parks and beaches in the east side of Singapore.

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