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School Campus App

Yin Shuo


Campus tracing token and application acts as a convenient way to trace student’s school attendance, class attendance, distance tracer, e-wallet and financial tracking device.


Adapting to the pandemic, even in the future, there is a need of tracing contacts and maintaining a 1m distance between individuals. Instead of only tracing, my design aims to add more variety to the token.


Student’s benefits: one-token for all; e-wallet, financial tracker, school resources booking and tracking of canteen waiting time. School benefits: trace 1m distance between individuals, tracking of attendance and safety on campus.


Yin Shuo

Hi there! I’m Yin Shuo. My designs are often driven by curiosity, crafted by passion and practiced with a sprinkle of wonder.

During my free time, I love creating digital realistic portrait paintings and cooking. Hands-on activities like these help me to focus and give me a great sense of accomplishment.

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