Tenkai 展開
by Andrea Tan En Xi
The course integrates three important disciplines of product design – Arts, Engineering and Business. You will get to explore design processes at every stage, from idea conceptualisation to realisation, and graduate with quality design folios, including working prototypes. With our studio-based learning approach, you will work in modern design studios and develop prototypes using state-of-the-art model making equipment and facilities.
Echo Building Block
by Shaheed Hassan
Project Echo is a self sustaining system that enables primary schoolers, for the cost of 10 cents, to reuse, reduce and recycle single use plastic bottles in return for a Building Block. Only the bottle cap and seal will used to mould into the blocks while the bottle itself will be shredded for storage and later donated to companies that recycle them.
To reduce the high usage rate of single use plastic & its disposal which is resulting in speedy depletion of land in semakau island To reduce the amount of micro & nano plastics in the environment which are causing serious health issues for both humans and animals.
By changing the culture in singapore by implementing a self sustainable system that targets the newer generations to a adapt a circular economy for single use plastic bottles with rewards that entices target user.
The system requires them to keep coming back for more Echo Building Blocks hence instilling an awarness and a subconcious habit of recycling, reusing and reducing that would stick with them as they age.
Shaheed Hassan
Hello there, see that handsome gentleman there? That's me, Shaheed Hassan and yes, i know that i have a great smile haha. I like my toasts dipped in condense milk and love fluffy cats.
Website: https://shaheedhassan.weebly.com/
Email: shaheed.designs@gmail.com
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shaheed-hassan-781b77157/